Industry Insights

Feedback from the HCC Manufacturers Forum

Feedback from the HCC Manufacturers Forum

 I have worked in manufacturing most of my adult life in some way, shape or form. I have an affinity for manufacturing; manufacturing is tangible, innovative and productive. Sadly, in NZ , it is also vastly unrecognised and underestimated. For the last 18 years’ I...

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SWR Restart

SWR Restart

Sadly, the lockdown has resulted in a number of redundancies. Good businesses have had to let good people go. Not every business can afford (especially now), a full Outplacement service but I know business owners and Managers want to do as much as possible to...

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SWR Connect

SWR Connect

Putting candidates directly in contact with potential employers is unheard of, but so was Covid19 until recently. Talking to people who have lost their jobs due to the lockdown in NZ has been heartbreaking. Talking to business owners who have no idea what the future...

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Three secret ingredients to avoid a hiring disaster

Three secret ingredients to avoid a hiring disaster

Finding the right people for any business is critical. It’s not just the skills that are hard to find, they must ‘fit’ into your culture and be an asset to the business.I have been a recruitment consultant for over 15 years. The one constant has been the struggle by...

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